Xtreme Shenanigans
It seems as though a Labor Day tradition has been established in our small family, The Beaver River Fest. Again this year, we attended one of the dam releases in Taylorville, accompanied by numerous hardcore adrenaline junkies from across the country. While we only stayed for a short time this year, I managed to get some great shots of the action. Check them out!
Read more from our adventures last year, here: iloveupstatenewyork.wordpress.com/2011/08/31/235/
or check out some of the footage I took of last year’s event, here:
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/28639565 w=400&h=300]
Untitled from andrea parisi on Vimeo.
and a pretty sweet (and much longer) video of this year’s event, shot with a helmet cam, here: http://vimeo.com/28599476
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